Thank you for your interest in our Student Support Services-TRIO Program at the University of New Mexico main campus, Albuquerque!  Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.


  1. You cannot save and restart this application.
  2. Review the included items, take time to make notes and gather the required documents, and then return to submit your application.
  3. All required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

For questions, email or call (505) 277-3230.

General Information
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
Date of Birth *
Gender *
UNM Banner ID (9 digits starting with 10*) *
UNM Email Address (i.e. *
Student Cellphone Number *
Citizenship Status *

TRIO Eligibility

Do either of your parents/legal guardians have a college or university Bachelor's Degree? *
I have a documented disability and am/will be registered with UNM's Accessibility Resource Center (ARC). *
I understand that I need to complete and submit a separate document provided by SSS TRIO to verify my income eligibility. *


UNM is required by Federal law to request this information for statistical reporting purposes. Your response is voluntary.

Do you consider yourself to be a Hispanic/Latino/a?
Race: (please mark all that apply)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Prefer not to answer

Academic Information
High School GPA or College GPA (i.e. 2.50) *
I will attend UNM Main Campus in the Fall *
Number of College Level Credits Earned (if any) *
Class Ranking in Fall 2024 *
Major, intended major or undecided *
In at least 150 words, please tell us why you would like to be part of the SSS TRIO program and how do you think it would benefit your undergraduate journey at UNM. *
I'm interested in pursuing graduate school in the future (Master, PhD, Law School, Medical School, etc.) *
Have you participated in Upward Bound, Talent Search, Student Support Services, or Educational Opportunity Center?
Have you participated in or will be participating in AVID, Chase, Daniels, Simons, GEAR UP, UNM ROTC)? If yes, please specify *
How many hours per week will you be working in the upcoming school year? *

Needs Assessment Survey

I need academic support at UNM. *
I need support understanding UNM academic policies (course selection, forms, processes, etc.). *
I need help understanding and locating resources for the following topics (FAFSA, Scholarships, Work-study, Grants, Loans). *
How would you rate your knowledge of financial literacy (bursars, budgeting, credit/debit, etc.)? *
How would you rate your knowledge of graduate school and/or professional schools (Master, PhD, Law School, Medical School, etc.)? *
What is your academic need? *

SSS Commitments

As an SSS participant, you are required to meet with the SSS Advisors once a month, with the Peer Coach twice a month, and attend at least 2 events/workshops per semester.

I will meet with my SSS advisor at least once a month. *
I will meet with my Peer Coach (peer mentors & tutors) at least twice a month. *
I will attend at least 2 SSS events/workshops per semester. *

Please read and sign below

I (student/participant) hereby certify to the best of my knowledge all the information submitted is complete and correct. I understand failure to disclose accurate information may be grounds from dismissal from the program.

I also grant permission to give my name and contact information provided in this application to other UNM programs that may be interested in providing me educational or financial opportunities.

My signature below further grants permission to the UNM SSS-TRIO Program to access any of my records, such as Test Scores, Transcripts, Enrollment Verification and/or information related to Financial Aid Eligibility. All information obtained by the SSS-TRIO program will only be used for the verification of my educational status and eligibility and will remain confidential.

I understanding this is a Federal TRIO Program and my records will be tracked for reporting purposes to the U.S. Dept. of Education.
Signature *
Please select a signature verification type.

The UNM SSS-TRIO Program is based upon continued funding from the U.S. Dept. of Education - TRIO Programs.